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HomeCultureDemystifying The Election Code Of Conduct: A Comprehensive Guide

Demystifying The Election Code Of Conduct: A Comprehensive Guide


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The Election Commission Of India Established The Election Code Of Conduct As A Set Of Regulations And Standards To Guarantee Free, Fair, And Transparent Elections Throughout The Nation. We Explore The Nuances Of The Election Code Of Conduct In This Extensive Book, Looking At Its Importance, Application, And Effects On Electoral Procedures.

The Model Code of Conduct is a set of guidelines issued by the Election Commission of India for the conduct of political parties and candidates during elections. It is a set of norms which deal with matters including speeches, meetings, processions, election manifestos, polling and general conduct. It has been evolved with the consensus of political parties and helps to ensure the conduct of free and fair elections. The Model Code of Conduct comes into force immediately on the announcement of the election schedule and remains in force till the end of the electoral process.

Structure and features:

The model code of conduct consists of seven sections which deal with general conduct, meetings, processions, party in power, polling booth, polling day and election manifestos.

General conduct:

The section deals with general set of guidelines to be followed by the parties and candidates during the election process. It prohibits any discrimination, incitement or appeal based on religion, linguistics or castes and refrains candidates or parties from criticizing others based on their personal life or unsubstantiated allegations. The section bans all activities against law such as bribing, intimidation, impersonation, unlawful occupation of private property or disturbance to public. Parties shall also not create disturbances to other parties or candidates while campaigning.


The section deals with the conduct of meetings. Meetings shall be conducted with prior permission from law enforcement agencies. It directs that any such guidelines and rules laid down by the law enforcement agencies shall be adhered to and permissions obtained from other governmental agencies if required such as for the use of loud speakers.


Processions organized by political parties shall be conducted with requisite permissions after communication of the required details such as time and place. The parties shall adhere to the plan approved and should not cause any hindrance to traffic or general public. It also bans the usage of undesirable articles and elements and activities such as burning of effigies by people participating in the processions.

Polling day:

The section deals with general set of guidelines to be followed by the parties and candidates during the polling day. Political parties and candidates are expected to co-operate with the officials to ensure fair and free conduct of elections. It refrains parties from disturbing the votes or polling process and bans the usage of party symbols, propaganda material and liquor near the polling booths.

Polling Booth:

Any grievances shall be taken up only with the observer appointed by the Election Commission.

Party in Power:

The section deals with the conduct of the ruling party when the elections are in progress. The government or its constituents shall not disturb or exert influence on the election process. It also prescribes that official work and campaigning shall be kept separate and no official machinery or personnel should be used for campaigning. It also prohibits government from spending public money for propaganda. No schemes or grants should be announced or launched by ministers directly or indirectly through authorities and no appointments/changes shall be made with respect to government personnel with a view to exert undue influence.

Election Manifestos:

The section was framed as per directions from the Supreme Court of India and deals with the election manifestos by the political parties. The manifesto shall not contain any promises construed as against the law and the constitution. It also prohibits the release of manifestations in the period prescribed by the Election Commission.

Recognizing The Conduct Code For Elections:

The Election Commission Of India (ECI) Has Released A Set Of Guidelines Called The Election Code Of Conduct, Commonly Referred To As The Model Code Of Conduct, To Control The Behavior Of Political Parties, Candidates, And Government Officials During Elections. It Seeks To Preserve The Integrity Of The Election Process, Guarantee Fairness In The Marketplace, And Stop The Misappropriation Of Public Funds.

Important Clauses In The Election Code Of Conduct:

A Number Of Important Rules Governing Several Facets Of Election Campaigning And Behavior Are Found In The Election Code Of Conduct. Among These Clauses Are:

Overall Behavior:

Throughout The Election Process, Political Parties And Candidates Must Uphold The Values Of Honesty, Integrity, And Fair Play. They Ought To Abstain From Stating Fictitious Or Making Disparaging Remarks, Engaging In Personal Assaults, Or Advancing Polarizing Or Communal Agendas.

Ad Campaigns:

Election Campaign Time, Conduct, And Substance Are Governed By The Code. It Lays Out Requirements For Organizing Public Gatherings, Processions, And Rallies. It Also Specifies Norms For Using Banners, Posters, And Loudspeakers. The Election Commission Must Pre-Certify Campaign Materials In Order To Guarantee That They Adhere To Legal Standards.

Utilizing Public Resources:

The Code Forbids The Improper Use Of Public Funds And Apparatus For Electoral Objectives. Public Servants And Law Enforcement Officers Are Prohibited From Taking Part In Any Acts That Could Sway The Results Of Elections Or Provide Any Candidate Or Party An Unfair Advantage.

Bribery And Corruption:

It Is Forbidden For Candidates And Parties To Partake In Dishonest Activities Such As Incentive, Bribery, Or Coercion To Sway Voters. It Is Totally Forbidden To Give Or Accept Cash, Presents, Or Other Incentives In Return For Votes. Doing So Could Result In Disqualification And Legal Action.

Reportage By The Media:

All Political Parties And Candidates Must Receive Fair And Equal Media Treatment, According To The Code. It Forbids The Publication Of Political Advertisements Without The Required Notice, Paid News, And News That Is Biased Or Deceptive. Media Outlets Must Allow Candidates An Equal Opportunity To Express Their Opinions And Policies.

The Voting Procedure:

The Code Protects The Voting Process’s Confidentiality And Integrity While Guaranteeing The Efficient Running Of Polling Places. It Forbids Displaying Party Emblems Or Slogans On Election Signs, As Well As Running Campaigns Close To Polling Places.

Election Observers Are Assigned To Keep An Eye On Polling Places And Make Sure That Election Laws Are Being Followed.

Election Code Of Conduct Implementation:

The Election Commission Of India, An Independent Constitutional Agency Tasked With Supervising The Conduct Of Elections Throughout The Nation, Upholds The Election Code Of Conduct. The Commission Is Able To Set Rules, Send Out Notifications, And Prosecute Anybody Who Break The Code.

Political Parties’ And Candidates’ Roles:

Upholding The Election Code Of Conduct Is A Critical Responsibility Of Political Parties And Candidates. They Are In Charge Of Guaranteeing Adherence To The Code’s Regulations And Teaching Their Members And Supporters About Its Contents. Additionally, Parties And Candidates Must Designate Volunteers And Agents To Oversee The Behavior Of Their Rivals And Notify The Election Commission Of Any Infractions.

Difficulties And Debates:

The Election Code Of Conduct Is Crucial, But Putting It Into Practice Is Fraught With Issues And Problems. In An Effort To Obtain An Electoral Advantage, Political Parties Frequently Try To Get Around The Law Or Exploit Gaps In The Code. Inadequate Enforcement Processes Might Also Cause Delays In Processing Complaints And Prosecuting Offenders.

Effect On Election Procedures:

An Essential Component In Guaranteeing The Fairness And Integrity Of Election Procedures Is The Election Code Of Conduct. It Assists In Preventing Electoral Malpractices, Undue Influence, And Power Abuse By Controlling The Behavior Of Parties, Candidates, And Officials. The Code Promotes Public Confidence In The Democratic Process And Enhances The Legitimacy Of Elections.

Public Education And Awareness:

Encouraging Adherence To The Election Code Of Conduct Requires Public Education And Awareness Campaigns. The Election Commission Educates Voters About Their Rights And Obligations During Elections Through Outreach Initiatives, Media Campaigns, And Voter Education Programs. Non-Governmental Organizations And Civil Society Groups Are Also Essential In Raising Awareness Of The Code And Keeping An Eye On Its Application.


One Essential Tool For Guaranteeing Free, Fair, And Transparent Elections In India Is The Election Code Of Conduct. Its Rules Regulate Several Facets Of Electioneering And Behavior With The Goal Of Maintaining Democratic Values And Averting Electoral Irregularities. The Code Is Nevertheless Essential To Preserving The Credibility And Integrity Of The Democratic Process, Despite Potential Difficulties And Disputes In Its Application. Constant Watchfulness, For India’s Democracy To Be Strengthened And The Election Code Of Conduct’s Ethos Upheld, Public Education And Enforcement Are Crucial.

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